Learn together

With a group leader licence…

Go Wild and Deep together in your faith as you explore your creative potential

Wild Art Deep Faith is the ultimate foundation course in using Mixed Media Art Journaling for prayer and worship

In addition to all the benefits of an individual licence you will receive….

A group resource

This licence allows you to screen the course content with up to 12 people at a time for a group learning experience. Work through the videos together over a course of weeks and grow in your faith and creative confidence. (Please note, videos only to be shown in a group context. If you would prefer to buy 12 individual licences please get in touch for a group discount).


If your group venue does not have reliable internet access, I will email you a link to downloadable videos that you can use.

Group course plan

Although this course was primarily designed for individuals, I provide a document with some ideas about how you can adapt it for use as a 6 week group course.

Wild Art Deep Faith
Group leader licence

£79 for up to 12 people

If you have any questions about the group leader licence please
drop me a line